

David Crosby: « Venice est le meilleur groupe vocal du pays et un des meilleurs que j’ai entendu ».

  • Samedi 22/04/2017 à 20:00

Le Flow

4 Port des Invalides 75007 Paris

Bateau, Péniche

Paris 7e arrondissement

MInvalidesM 13M 8

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Après le succès du concert au Divan du Monde en 2014, Venice et son soft rock californien sont de retour pour un show exceptionnel, à Paris dans le sublime cadre du ""Flow"" on stage! Sur la Seine! Composé de Kipp Lennon, son cousin Michael Lennon et leurs frères respectifs Pat et Mark, ce quartet californien s'est formé au début des années 80 à Venice, Los Angeles.
Comparé aux Eagles et à Fleetwood Mac par le Billboard us Venice est un groupe culte en Californie mais aussi en Europe , notamment aux Pays Bas. Ils reviennent fin avril avec une incursion éclair en France lors de leur tournée Européenne.
Le nouvel album ""Brunch Buffet"" est composé de superbes reprises de Hall and Oates, Kean, Steely Dan ,Shawn Colvin, Ed Sheeran magnifiées par leurs harmonies vocales .
Une set list composée de covers et leur répertoire au son West Coast bien sur!

Les artistes


“Venice is the best vocal group in America right now. They're better than anybody else I know. They're fantastic. I’m a student of harmony. That’s my thing. I love all kinds of harmony. But I particularly love theirs, because it’s so natural. It’s not like anybody else’s. Very unforced, very from their hearts. I’ve been telling people about them since the first night I heard them. I’ve told everybody I could find that they were the best. This is my favorite band in the world.”
--David Crosby

"Venice, one of my favorite bands, is quintessentially Californian, with soaring harmonies. We’ve played together at numerous benefits and at each other's concerts. What they do is sing amazingly. There are two lead singers, there are four harmony parts a lot of the time, and what it most resembles is CSN, or sometimes Sly and the Family Stone. Well, anything unique is pretty hard to describe, but that's the general musical terrain. They sing and play their asses off, and I have seen them knock out many an unsuspecting crowd. On two separate occasions I booked them for large outdoor venues where we were doing benefits and they took the audiences, who had not come to see them, completely by surprise. It's such a pleasure to play with these guys, because they have that power."
--Jackson Browne

"I've been listening to Venice for years! Their vocals and harmonies are so beautiful. Something that I really learned from as a singer!"
--Colbie Caillat

S'y rendre

Le Flow

4 Port des Invalides 75007 Paris

MInvalidesM 13M 8 à 166m

MChamps-Elysées-ClémenceauM 13M 1 à 472m

MAssemblée NationaleM 12 à 538m

RerINVALIDESRer c à 50m


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