
Liam Morrissey - Violoncelle Expérimental

  • Jeudi 21/05/2015 à 20:00

Le D-calé

101 rue de Ménilmontant 75020 Paris

Bar / café

Paris 20e arrondissement

MMénilmontantM 2

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À propos


Ok mofos, this one gonna be gooooooooooood!!! it's going to be wicked, and i have new stuff to show you :) :) :)

the révolution is here!!!!

not to worry, we can still get drunk and have fun!!!!

one man.

one cello.

come one, come all, get ready to have your skull blasted to the back of your face by the one, the only.... powercello!!!!!

entrée libre - petite restauration sur place

évènement fb :

S'y rendre

Le D-calé

101 rue de Ménilmontant 75020 Paris

MMénilmontantM 2 à 677m

MJourdainM 11 à 680m

MGambettaM 3bM 3 à 720m


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