Garage Lopez
Garage Lopez ?
Ouais c'est de la mécanique mais plutôt ambiance V8 du côté de la section rythmique..quand ça ne va pas assez vite on s'emmerde !!!
Mais c'est aussi du rock'n' la fin du XXéme siècle : on n'a jamais caché que nos jeunes années ont été bercées par le rockabilly (Essonne oblige) mais on a vite plongé dans le punk rock anglophone (Ramones, Sex Pistols,..) ou français (Sheriff, Rats,..) voire même le hardcore (Dead Kennedy's...)
Côté textes ? c'est en français ou en yaourt (surtout en live !) c'est beaucoup plus souvent noir que rose ..mais comme dirait Lemmy "Quand tu vois à quoi ressemble le monde, si t'es pas révolté ou en colère c'est que vraiment t'as un problème !"
Cellophane Suckers
— Garage Punk Rock
Cellophane Suckers with heart and soul 1993-2015
Call it Rock´n´Roll, call it Punkrock, call it Rock! Whatever their label is, the Cellophane Suckers play with heart and soul. The Suckers are fanboys! From the Stooges and Stones to the Saints, Dead Boys and the New Bomb Turks. From Australia to Scandinavia. From the U.S. of A. to Japan. From the Fidjis to the Caymans... The list of influences is as long as your next band`s is. They started in the early Nineties to get out of the suburbs and see the world. It worked out! They shared the stages all over Europe with a lot of musical heroes and friends like Bored!, New Bomb Turks, Dumbell, Hydromatics, Hellacopters, Cosmic Psychos, Onyas, Powder Monkeys, Zeke, Gluecifer, Sonny Vincent, The Sworn Liars, TBRNGR, The Golden Helmets, The Dirtys and countless others. The Suckers 6th longplayer "One In A Zoo" is a french/german cooperation with their own HIGH NOON label and the great BEAST RECORDS from Rennes. Latest release is a 7" "SATURATED/MY PAL", again a co-release. This time with the spanish label GHOST HIGHWAY RECORDINGS. They are in it for the music. They love getting around, they love sitting in the van, they love meeting old friends, making new friends and having a good time. They absolutely love playing loud and dirty, nitty gritty Rock´n´Roll music for every crowd that shows up. 21 years and no end in sight. There's no stopping the CELLOPHANE SUCKERS! Go Motherfucker GO!