
Joey Badass

  • Concert annulé

    Lundi 23/11/2015 à 19:30

Le Bataclan

50 boulevard Voltaire 75011 Paris

Paris 11e arrondissement

MOberkampfM 5M 9

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À propos


Joey Bada$$ is an American independent hip hop recording artist who hails from Brooklyn, New York, a breeding ground for some of the most iconic hip hop artists the world has ever known. With his rugged style an invigorating outcome of his Brooklyn neighborhood and surroundings, Joey Bada$$ has been a staple in the hip hop industry for maintaining an authentic, unique and versatile sound - where other rappers may take less risks with formulaic projects, Joey never shies away from keeping his music raw and original.
He is a co-founder of the hip-hop collective Pro Era, with whom he has released two mixtapes and gone on countless tours.
Joey released his debut mixtape 1999 in June 2012 to critical acclaim and recognition, followed by Rejex in September, and Summer Knights on July 1, 2013.
His debut studio album, B4.DA.$$, released on 1/20/2015, is now available on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play as well as in stores worldwide.
The album sold an impressive 56,000 units opening week making it the #1 rap and #1 independent album in the country that week. B4.DA.$$ is a monumental project for Joey Bada$$'s career, along with the future of hip hop. It's henceforth received acclaim from his critics as well as his fans and looks to be the catalyst that will place Joey among hip-hop's elite.

Les artistes

S'y rendre

Le Bataclan

50 boulevard Voltaire 75011 Paris

MOberkampfM 5M 9 à 223m

MFilles du CalvaireM 8 à 321m

MParmentierM 3 à 434m

MRépubliqueM 11M 3M 5M 8M 9 à 716m


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