• Mardi 04/10/2016 à 20:00

La Maroquinerie

23 rue Boyer 75020 Paris

Salle de concert, salle de spectacle

Paris 20e arrondissement

MGambettaM 3bM 3

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À propos


La scène garage anglaise se porte très bien et c'est YAK, un trio londonien formé par OLI BURSLEM, ANDY JONES et ELLIOT RAWSON, qui nous le confirme. Leur musique est un mélange de post-punk, de garage rock et de pop psyché, qui rappelle les White Stripes, Birthday Party, et des groupes de Krautrock comme Can et Neu!. Avec les 7'' Hungry Heart/Something On Your Mind et Plastic People, sortis chez Fat Possum et No, sortie chez Third Man Records (le label de Jack White), ainsi qu'une flopée de shows incendiaires, le groupe s'est déjà bâti une solide réputation.

Leur album Alas Salvation est sorti le 13 mai dernier.

Les artistes


Rinse France resident with her bi-monthly “Bluepanther Show”, member of Supernova’s laboratory where she works on the creation of sound poems for fanzines and member of editorial office of the biannual magazine Jungle Juice, Myako is a hyperactive artist with multiple facets and two aliases: Myako for the techno projects, and Bluereed for the more experimental, ambient and noisey outings signed to Fragil Music, a label run by her close friend Raphaël Fragil.

Known for her eclecticism behind the turntables and for the unique flavor of her cosmic, dancehall and breaks-filled sets between techno and UK noisy, this free animal roaming the French techno jungle is also a producer. It’s in Germany and with a live act that she first walks on the stage, alongside Dirk Layers, Dasha Rush, and Auddie. Beautiful encounters result in beautiful collaborations: a debut release on the Vienna label Comfortzone, another on Second Record, 13 loops signed on Ronde label, and a track on ‘Family Matter ” Nona Record’s compilation of tunes produced with gear from Czech manufacturer Bastl Instruments – who has also hosted Myako in residence in 2017.
In 2018, Myako, a phenomenon rising at a blazing speed, joins iDJ AZF's Qui embrouille qui motley crew and releases the White Tiger EP on Nona Records, along with a music video directed by French artist Armand Morin.

S'y rendre

La Maroquinerie

23 rue Boyer 75020 Paris

MGambettaM 3bM 3 à 630m

MMénilmontantM 2 à 685m

MJourdainM 11 à 768m


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