
Chris Kenna Solo

Australian Folk Blues

  • Dimanche 16/02/2020 à 19:00

La Liberté

196 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75012 Paris

Bar / café

Paris 12e arrondissement

MFaidherbe-ChalignyM 8

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À propos


Chris Kenna is an Australian singer songwriter based in Paris for the last 24 years. He has released five albums with his band “moonray” , two with fellow Australian Melissa Cox, two with American Sal Bernardi and several solo. His latest album “white line fever” is now available on all digital platforms.

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Les artistes

S'y rendre

La Liberté

196 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75012 Paris

MFaidherbe-ChalignyM 8 à 48m

MReuilly-DiderotM 1M 8 à 339m

MRue des BouletsM 9 à 460m


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