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Originally from Florida, Sean Croft has been billed for venues such as Les Trois Baudets, La Féline and Le Mizmiz in Paris; The Rock n’ Roll Hotel in DC and Dublin Castle in London. He released one EP with his band “A Born Idler” and one album under his own name. He has lived in Argentina, and Mozambique, and spent significant amounts of time in Ireland and South Africa, where he has family. He currently lives in Paris, where he is working on the new EP “You Said”, the prelude to a full length album to be entitled “Days”.

Originaire de Floride, Sean Croft a été invité à jouer dans des espaces tels que Les Trois Baudets, La Féline et Le Mizmiz à Paris; The Rock n’ Roll Hotel à DC; Dublin Castle à Londres. En 2009, il sort un EP avec son groupe “A Born Idler” et en 2011 un premier album “The Storm”. Il a vécu en Argentine, au Mozambique, et a passé une partie de son enfance entre l’Irlande et l’Afrique du Sud. Il vit actuellement à Paris où il travaille sur un nouvel EP “You Said”, prélude d’un album intitulé “Days”.

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